Despite "possibly Neanderthal tendencies," The Boyz are inheritors of rich literary legacy

Celebrating California's literary tradition

The details of the early days of the Boyz Club are obscured by the mists of time and a dash of advancing age. What is known is that the Ladies Book Club pre-dated the Boyz Club by at least a decade. The ladies would gather at the Crossroads Cafe at the Delancey Street Foundation, and a few of the Boyz, ever old-school gentlemen, would walk their partners there; thereafter, the Boyz would revel at the South Beach Cafe over beer and pizza until it was time to pick up the ladies.

This arrangement inevitably led to a self-examination of the Boyz' less than literary and maybe even Neanderthal tendencies. After a suitable period of time for reflection, it was unanimously decided that the Boyz too were capable of reading and perhaps even discussing learned issues. Topics in the early days were generally short articles, sports, politics, puzzles, joke-telling, and the occasional short text. After a couple of years or so the training wheels came off, and the Boyz began reading entire books.

The roster of the Boyz Club has always consisted of a stable core, albeit with some turnover in membership. While our current email distribution list consists of 15 members, turnout on any given Monday generally ranges from 6 to 9 members who to this day surprise and inspire one another with thoughtful, knowledgeable and insightful commentary on the book of the month and the larger topics of the moment.

Jack London

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Dashiell Hammett

Toni Morrisson

Isabel Allende

Jack Kerouac

Gertude Stein

Mark Twain

Ken Kesey

Maya Angelou

Erle Stanley Gardner

These are some of the San Francisco Bay Area's literary luminaries...